2020 Program

The complete program, including abstracts and concert details, for the joint conference of SCSMT with CMS-South, to be held February 28 – March 1, 2020 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN can be downloaded as a PDF here.

Friday, February 28, 2020

10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration in Lobby

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Sessions

CMS: Paper Presentations
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Ann L. Silverberg (Austin Peay State University)
A Holistic Approach to Undergraduate Research in Music: Insights and Applications from CMS, CUR, and the Classroom, Kerry Ginger (Sewanee: The University of the South)
The Legacy of Gerre Hancock: Master Organ Improviser, Terry McRoberts (Union University)

SCSMT: The Voice in Popular Music (1): Improvisation and Pedagogy
Location: 1167
Session Chair: Rebecca Long (University of Louisville)
Lobbying for a La-Based Approach to the Minor Tonic in Popular Music Harmony, [Handout], Trevor de Clercq (Middle Tennessee State University)
Improvised metric flexibility in early recordings of self-accompanied “hillbilly” songs: Clarence Ashley’s “The House Carpenter” (1930) and Buell Kazee’s “The Butcher Boy” (1928), [Handout], Tobias Tschiedl (McGill University)

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch on your own

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Plenary Session: Welcome and Dariusz Terefenko Address,
Practical Music Theory – Improvisation in the Classroom, [Handout], [Slides]
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chairs: Brendan McConville (The University of Tennessee), Benjamin Wadsworth (Kennesaw State University)

2:20 – 3:20 p.m. Sessions

CMS: Paper Presentations
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Mark Lackey (Samford University)
John Zorn’s Game Piece Cobra as a Tool for Teaching Improvisation, Holland Hopson (New College, The University of Alabama)
Tapping Student Potential: Applying Concepts of the Growth Mindset to the College Music Studio, Carolyn Sanders (University of Alabama in Huntsville)

SCSMT: Music and Drama
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Wesley Bradford (University of Louisiana-Lafayette)
Form and Intertextuality in Movie Music Videos, [Handout], Brent Ferguson (University of Kansas)
The Dramatic Potential of Auxiliary Cadences in Cole Porter Songs with Minor-to-Major Choruses, Morgan Markel (Eastman School of Music)

SCSMT: Gesture in 20th-Century Music
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Nathan Fleshner (University of Tennessee)
Pivot-Notes in André Jolivet’s Style Incantatoire, [Handout], Stephanie Venturino (Eastman School of Music)
Interpreting Harmony through Gesture in the Chromatic Music of Anton Webern, [Handout], John Heilig (Indiana University)

3:35 – 4:35 p.m. Sessions

CMS: Paper Presentations
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Zane Gillespie (Music Ministry International)
Virtuosi Women Pianists, Julia Mortyakova (Mississippi University for Women)
Don Wilkerson and the Texas Tenor Tradition of Improvisation, David Detweiler (Florida State University)

SCSMT: Percussion in Recent Musics
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Bill Shaltis (University of Memphis)
The Problem Posed by Elliot Carter’s “Saëta” to Cyclic Form as Closure, [Handout], Clare Sher Ling Eng (Belmont University)
Analyzing Drum Patterns and Drum Pattern Changes in Twenty-First Century Mainstream Pop, [Handout], David Geary (Wake Forest University)

SCSMT: 20th Century Histories
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Joy Calico (Vanderbilt University)
David Kraehenbuehl’s Vision of Music Theory, Stephen Lett (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Transformed Desire: Scriabin’s Transition from Functional Tonality, Jeff Yunek (Kennesaw State University)

4:50 – 5:50 p.m. Sessions

CMS: Lecture Recital and Performance Session
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kerry Ginger (Sewanee: The University of the South)
Art Songs of Female Impressionist Composers, Lynn Worcester Jones (The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) and Andrew White (The University of Nebraska at Kearney)
Impromptu and Autumn by Cecile Chaminade, Julia Mortyakova (Mississippi University for Women)

CMS: Paper Presentations
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Terry McRoberts (Union University)
A Prolegomena for a Theory of Implausibility in Music Composition, Zane Gillespie (Music Ministry International)
Circus of Dreams: Creating New Sounds for Flute with Extended Techniques, Ginny Tutton, (Centre College) and Jonathan McNair (University of Tennessee-Chattanooga)

CMS: Paper Presentations
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Douglas Mark (Delta State University)
Minuet Makeovers: Improvising New Pieces Inspired By Classical Works, Monique Arar (Independent Scholar)
Teach Them Believe: 12 Strategies for Promoting Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Piano Students, Lynn Worcester Jones, (The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

SCSMT: Workshop with Andrew Goldman
Location: Room 1167
The Neuroscience of improvisation: Theories, Methods, and Philosophical Critiques, Andrew Goldman (University of Western Ontario)

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dinner on your own

CMS Executive Board Meeting (TBD)

8:00 p.m. CMS Composers Concert I
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Valentin Bogdan (Mississippi University for Women)
Golus I, Alan Goldspiel (University of Montevallo)
Of something, Michael Boyd (Chatham University)
Monologue, William Price (University of Alabama – Birmingham)
Creatures from the Black Bassoon, Kyle Vanderburg (North Dakota State University)
Wanderings, Daniel Morel (Avila University)
Vantage Points, Valentin M. Bogdan (Mississippi University for Women)
Lines After Neruda and Gismonti, Traci Mendel (Troy University)
Preludes for Piano (2019), Hyowon Bong (University of Tennessee)
Three Walt Whitman Songs, Darleen Mitchell (University of Nebraska-Kearney)

Saturday, February 29, 2020

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration in Lobby

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Sessions

CMS: Lecture Recital
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Zane Gillespie (Music Ministry International)
Three Works for Solo Drum, Christopher Wilson (Southeast Missouri State University)

CMS: Paper Presentation
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Fred Sienkiewicz (Vanderbilt University)
The Creativity of One: A Core-Course Model for Music Theory, Courtenay L. Harter (Rhodes College)

CMS: Paper Presentation
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Brendan McConville (The University of Tennessee)
Affect Effects: Improvised Avataristic Perceptions and Music Theory, Michael C. Gardiner (University of Mississippi)

CMS: Lecture Recital
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Kerry Ginger (Sewanee: The University of the South)
Concert With Words: An Improvised Journey, Joe Montelione (Florida Tech University)

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Sessions

CMS: Student Paper Session
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Mark Lackey (Samford University)
Multi-Narrativity in Music: An Analysis of John Corigliano’s Symphony No. 1, “Apologue: Of Rage and Remembrance” and Its Use of Intertextuality, Aaron Hunt (The University of Tennessee)
African Opera: Africanisms, Improvisation, and Creative Ethnomusicology, Jennifer LaRue (University of Georgia)

CMS: Lecture Recitals
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kyle Vanderburg (North Dakota State University)
Uncommon Sounds: Extended Possibilities for Percussion and Electronics, Bill Shaltis (University of Memphis)
From Old Creole Days: Sampling the Afro-Creole Folk Song of Louisiana of the Late Nineteenth through the Mid-Twentieth Centuries, Phyllis Lewis-Hale (Jackson State University), Dr. Karen Laubengayer (Jacksonville State University)

CMS: Lecture Recitals
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Kerry Ginger (Sewanee: The University of the South)
Limited Possibilities: Exploring “Guided” Improvisation in Contemporary Music, Brendan Jacklin (Martin Methodist College)
Trumpet and Fixed Media, Scott Hagarty (Tennessee Tech University)

SCSMT: Dariusz Terefenko Workshop
Location: Room 2175
The Rule of the Octave: Strategies for Teaching Improvisation in the Classroom, Dariusz Terefenko (Eastman School of Music)

9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Sessions

CMS: Student Paper Session (cont.) / General Session
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Brendan McConville (The University of Tennessee)
Metacognition in the Music Theory Classroom, Jillian Vogel (The University of Tennessee)
Inspiration/Perspiration: Creating a Map of the Music Composition Creative Process, Kyle Vanderburg (North Dakota State University)

CMS: Lecture Recitals
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Stephanie Tingler (University of Georgia)
Two Piano Music by Women Composers From Around the World, Julia Mortyakova (Mississippi University for Women) and Valentin Bogdan (Mississippi University for Women)
An Exploration of Keyboard Improvisation in Selected Works by Mozart, Beethoven, and Schumann, Tony Lu (Austin Peay State University)

CMS: Lecture Recitals
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Douglas Mark (Delta State University)
Expanding Middle School Piano Students Repertoire through Contemporary Music, Estibaliz Gastesi (BAK MSOA)
2010-2019: Celebrating a Decade of Innovations for Reed Trio, Michael Adduci (Tennessee Tech University)

SCSMT: The Romantic Lied
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Matthew Boyle (University of Alabama)
Dreamscape Depictions in Clara Schumann’s “Ihr Bildnis”, [Handout], Alexander Martin (Stetson University)
The Problem with Line 3: Richard Strauss’s Settings of Four-Line Stanzas, [Handout], Joshua Tanis (Indiana University)

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Plenary Session: Andrew Goldman Presentation, A Science of Musical
Improvisation: Theoretical Challenges, Empirical Contributions

Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Benjamin Wadsworth (Kennesaw State University)

12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch on your own

1:15 – 2:15 p.m. CMS Plenary Session: Dennis Thurmond Presentation
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kristian Klefstad (Belmont University)

SCSMT: Form in Tonal Music
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Courtenay Harter (Rhodes College)
The Sonata-Fugue Hybrid in Haydn’s Early Symphonies, Carl Burdick (University of Cincinnati)
Formal Process as Reanimation of the Past in Enriqe Granados’s “Epílogo: Serenate del Espectro,” Audrey Slote (University of Chicago)

2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Sessions

CMS Session: Martin Norgaard Presentation
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kristian Klefstad (Belmont University)
Cognition behind improvisation: A summary of over 10 years of research using qualitative, quantitative, corpus analysis, and brain imaging methods.

SCSMT: Philosophical Approaches
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Michael Gardiner (University of Mississippi)
The Role of the “Agential Listener” in Hierarchies of Virtual Musical Agency, Aubrey Leaman (Northwestern University)
Music Analysis as an Ethico-onto-epistem-ology, Vivian Luong (University of Virginia)

SCSMT: Mathematical Models
Location:Session Chair: Jennifer Amox (Henderson State University)
Spectral Fission in Barbershop Harmony, Jordan Lenchitz (Florida State University)
Putting the Math in Math Rock, [Handout], Matt Chiu (Eastman School of Music)

3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Sessions

CMS Session: Martin Norgaard Improvisation Workshop
Guest Performers: The University of Tennessee Electroacoustic Ensemble
Jorge Variego (Director), Cullen Burke, and Dakota Johnson
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kristian Klefstad (Belmont University)

SCSMT: Lightning Talks
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Adam Hudlow (Northwestern State University of Louisiana)
Identifying Multimeter in Steve Reich’s Electric Counterpoint, Jonathon Pan (University of Louisville)
Comic Attrition: A New Discursive Strategy in Schumann’s Drei Fantasiestücke, Sarah Mendes (University of Texas at Austin)
Beheaded: Motivic Analysis of Power Complexes in Libby Larsen’s Try Me Good King, Kayla Shaeffer (Florida State University)
Emergent Formal Functions and Indistinct Edges of Sonata Movements in Schubert’s “Beethoven’s Project”, [Handout], Yiqing Ma (Louisiana State University)

SCSMT: Form in Pop Music
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: John Lawrence (University of Notre Dame)
Bridges to Free-Standing Bridges—or—the Mutable Modular Model of Metal Music, [Handout], Michael Dekovich (University of Oregon)
Form and the Jam: Defining Improvisation in the Music of Dave Matthews Band, Micheal Sebulsky (University of Oregon)

5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Sessions

SCSMT: The Voice in Pop Music (2): Accent and Text
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Jeremy Orosz (University of Memphis)
Prosodic Dissonance in Pop Music, [Handout], Eron Smith (Eastman School of Music)
Phenomenal Accents, Meter, and the Vocal Backbeat in Country Music from 2000-2019, Kristi Hardman (CUNY Graduate Center)

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dinner on your own

8:00 p.m. Dennis Thurmond in Concert
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Kristian Klefstad (Belmont University)


8:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Registration in Lobby

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. CMS Annual Business Meeting
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Brendan McConville (The University of Tennessee)

8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Poster Sessions – Continental Breakfast

CMS and SCSMT Joint Poster Session
Location: Lobby
You Want Me to Sing? Bridging the Gap Between High School Ensemble Playing and College Musicianship,
Adrian Hartsough (The University of Tennessee)
Gilded China, Gilded U.S.: Pianism in a Gilded Age, Zhong Bei Lin (Valdosta State University)
A Theory of Music as Distraction in Video Games, William Ayers (University of Central Florida)
Chris Potter and the Principle of Developing Variations, Ryan Raziano (University of Southern Mississippi)
Tonic and Topic: A Study of Key Selection in American Hymnody, Jennifer Shafer (University of Delaware)
CEFR L2 Acquisition Model for Jazz Improvisation, Shelley Vekasy (University of Southern Mississippi)
Impressionism in Jennifer Higdon’s Secret & Glass Gardens, Julianna Willson (University of Memphis)

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Sessions

CMS: Paper Session
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Mark Lackey (Samford University)
Visually Impaired Students: Equitable Inclusion and Access in a Traditional Music Degree Curriculum, Stacie Lee Rossow (Florida Atlantic University)
The Arts Entrepreneurship Profile: A New Resource for Collegiate Music Educators, Josef Hanson (University of Memphis)

SCSMT: Tonal Voice Leading
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Joseph Brubeloe (University of Southern Mississippi)
O V, Where Art Thou? Notre Dame Polyphony, “Dominant” Sonorities, and a New Approach to Diatonic Set Theory, Jessica Fulkerson (Tufts University)
Schubert, Schoenberg, and Some Extensions to Cohn’s SUM-Class System, David Orvek (Indiana University)

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Sessions

CMS Paper Session
Location: Room 1167
Session Chair: Zane Gillespie (Music Ministry International)
Timbre and Transformation, John Latartara (The University of Mississippi)
Dou Wun and Chen Lei-shi: Contrasting Chinese Traditional Music Practices in Hong Kong, Ann L. Silverberg (Austin Peay State University)

CMS Paper Session
Location: Room 1109
Session Chair: Kerry Ginger (Sewanee: The University of the South)
“Tracking, naming, and improvisation… oh my!”: Innovative pedagogical approaches to developing stronger pitch-space cognition in the classroom and studio, Fred Sienkiewicz (Vanderbilt University)
Connecting the Dots: A Framework for Understanding the Commonalities between Baroque-Era and Contemporary Improvisation, Carolyn Sanders (University of Alabama-Huntsville) and Joshua Burel (University of Alabama-Huntsville)

CMS Performance Session
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Julia Mortyakova (Mississippi University for Women)
The Bass Clarinet Liberated: the Expanded Textural Universe of Eric Mandat’s “Chips Off the Ol’ Block,” Taylor Barlow (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Performance of Flammes by Janos Komives for Solo Clarinet, Lucas Gianini (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
The Mariko Suite by Catherine McMichael, Amy Yeung (University of Tennessee-Martin), soprano, with Trio Sonoritas (with Sandra Cox, flute & Chan Mi Jean, piano)

SCSMT: Annual Business Meeting
Location: Room 2175
Session Chair: Ben Wadsworth (Kennesaw State University)

11:30 a.m. –1:00 p.m. Lunch Break – CMS/SCSMT Banquet Luncheon
Maggiano’s Restaurant (3106 West End Ave, Nashville)

Informal address by conference clinician Martin Norgaard
Banquet luncheon is $25/person
Reserve a spot at conference check-in with a payment of $25 cash or check, payable to Kristian Klefstad

1:15 p.m. CMS Composers Concert II
Location: Turner Hall
Session Chair: Valentin Bogdan (Mississippi University for Women)
R E L I Q U I A E, Zane Gillespie (Music Ministry International)
If it Bends, It Breaks, Aaron L. Hunt (University of Tennessee – Knoxville)>
Particles II, Mark Lackey (Samford University)
Piano Variations, Paul Osterfield (Middle Tennessee State University)
Cinco pour Fünf: Partita #8 for unaccompanied cello, Joe L. Alexander (Mississippi University for Women)
Quartet in C, Olga Harris (Tennessee State University)
Journey, Biraj Adhikari (Mississippi University for Women)
The Summoning, Caleb Cannon (University of Tennessee – Knoxville)
Scenes – Short and Sweet, Allen Molineux (Dothan, AL)

End of Conference